Sunday, April 11, 2010

To build or no to build

I'm really thinking of building a new computer but on the other hand I'm still not sure of my decision. I already have a dell xps 700 with a 8800GT, e6600 @ 2.4, 4gb ram @400mhz and a mobo with 1066 fsb. If I dont build a new computer, I'll add a GTX 260 core 216 and a 22'' monitor. I do build a new comp it will have: 4870 512, e8400 @ 3.0, 4gb ram 800mhz and a mobo with 1333 fsb. What would be the better decision to make? Stay with my current computer and upgrade to a gtx 260 core 216 or build a new computer?Btw,my current computer cannot upgrade to a 1333 fsb cpu and cannot overclock at all. Thanks! To build or no to build
I think you should probably build a new one. Talk to me if you need info.To build or no to build
Would the new build out perform my existing computer even if I upgrade to a gtx 260 core 216?

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