Sunday, April 11, 2010

crashes every game

no matter what game im playin....L4D,RA3,COD4, ext ext. wether its 10 min in or 45 min in the game seems to lock up sound skips sometimes then crashes to desktop but its still frozen so im forced to do a hard shutdown. specs in sig. ne questions ask and ill gladly answer. tried updating sound driver and video driverscrashes every game
are all your drivers up to date? are you overclocking? cause it sounds like a driver problem and i also HIGHLY!! discourage any overclocking of any kind, its about the worst thing you can do to your machine aside from pouring a soda on your mobo. anyways its probaly a driver issue and if thats not it then your system needs ventillation cause its very possible that your video card is getting to hot and is shuting down back to normal opperiation. also you mentioned that sound is buggy as well that could very well be a fryed on board sound chip which wouldnt be a big issue cause you can get a half way decent sound card for cheap.crashes every game
ok most for what this guys said is untrue and didnt really read your post. Your graphics card is preoverclocked- so you didnt overclock it.

your drivers are also up to date (according to you) so that clears that up too. a few things to check.

1. is your fan running at stock speed or at 100%? if its at stock speed it COULD (not very likely) be overheating. try downloading rivatuner and increasing the fan speed.

2. when you installed your new drivers did you clear your old ones? sometimes drivers can get messed up when installing new ones.

3.have you run a virus scam (use spybot)

4. have u messed w. ur bios?
I'd check your temps when you crash. You could use gpu-z for your gpu, and I think real temp for CPU. How old is your windows install? It may just be messed up, virus, etc like mentioned. And also try uninstalling/reinstall drivers like also mentioned...
[QUOTE=''voodoochild815'']are all your drivers up to date? are you overclocking? cause it sounds like a driver problem and i also HIGHLY!! discourage any overclocking of any kind, its about the worst thing you can do to your machine aside from pouring a soda on your mobo. anyways its probaly a driver issue and if thats not it then your system needs ventillation cause its very possible that your video card is getting to hot and is shuting down back to normal opperiation. also you mentioned that sound is buggy as well that could very well be a fryed on board sound chip which wouldnt be a big issue cause you can get a half way decent sound card for cheap.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand what you've got against Overclocking :shock: seems silly running at stock speeds when you can double your performance for free. As long as you know what you're doing it foolish NOT to overclock if you've ever fried anything then that's your bad but you shouldn't try to discourage people
im actually begining to think its the cpu overheating. im lookin at a new cpu neways ill jsut get a nice heatsink with it instead of a stock

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