Sunday, April 11, 2010

How can i use 1920x1080 res when hooking up my hdtv to my pc

Hi guysOk so my current monitor is a 19inch and has 1440x900 native res but i have a 40inch 1920x1080 res hdtv which im interested in hooking up to my pc to play some games on. My system specs areQ9450 2.6 stock (atm)2gb ddr2 (6400) ramgigabyte hd4870 512mb gpu Running WinXp 32bitSo 'most' games should run ok at this res. (not crysis 'grumble') The problem arises when i try to hook my hdtv up to my pc as it will only allow me to go to 1440x900 (monitors res, not hdtvs) To get 1920x1080 will i have to set up my hdtv as a 2nd monitor? Is this the solution?If anyone has any knowledge of how pc games will look at 1920x1080 on a 40inch hdtv then this will also be great! The reason is that im wondering if there will be much pixelisation at this resolution? Thanks Have a great christmas! How can i use 1920x1080 res when hooking up my hdtv to my pc
This may help? can i use 1920x1080 res when hooking up my hdtv to my pc
no component sucks will give **** picture and resolution ... what can do is get a DVI to HDMI and then hook the dvi to ur computer and hdmi to tv
Anyone gt any idea how it will look? Any other ideas?Thanks to the previous posters
Have you tried Catalyst control center HDTV support tab?
Hook it up on the second dvi port with an HDMI cable. To get full res on the tv you need to disable your 19 inch in ATI control center.
[QUOTE=''1357'']no component sucks will give **** picture and resolution ... what can do is get a DVI to HDMI and then hook the dvi to ur computer and hdmi to tv[/QUOTE]

Component doesn't suck. It gives great picture quality.

And yes, set it up as a second monitor and it'll run fine. Click extend desktop to this monitor and you should be able to set the resolution. There should be something in your video card's display panel for multi-monitors. I know there is in the nvidia control panel.
hey. I was thinking about building a computer soon too. Ive never done it before but everyone says it gives the best performance so ill give it a go. I have a 50 inch 1080p plasma. Now would I get a better picture buying a monitor meant for pc gaming or will the 1080p look just as good? If anyone has some starting points on the best stuff available (hardware/ratings) please post a link. thanks!
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